Changes in Hekotek ownership structureEvelin Evelin2020-09-10T16:06:33+03:0010.05.2007|On April 23, 2007 AS Hekotek shares majority was acquired by international concern, based on Swedish capital, Sorb Industri AB.
First deliveries to GermanyEvelin Evelin2020-09-10T15:58:08+03:0003.05.2007|In summer/autumn 2006 AS Hekotek signed first contracts for equipment deliveries to Central European sawmill market, well-known for its quality
Hekotek entering the Swedish marketEvelin Evelin2020-09-10T16:02:53+03:0003.05.2007|For Hekotek this year has started with several new sales contracts. It is also very important for us that Hekotek
New sawmill to ArkhangelskEvelin Evelin2020-09-10T16:14:18+03:0002.10.2006|AS Hekotek has signed one of the biggest in its history sawmill equipment delivery contracts with a Russian company Sawmill