Paikuse beforeHekotek has signed a contract for demounting the equipment used at Paikuse and Sauga sawmills and re-installation it at Sao Hill sawmill belonging to GreenRecources company in Tanzania.

The equipment in question was delivered by Hekotek to the Estonian sawmills some 8-10 years ago. Now the used log sorting line, log feeding equipment to debarker and sawing unit, bark, wood chips and sawdust handling conveyors, as well as sawn timber sorting line will find a new home in Tanzania. Beside Hekotek produced equipment, Valon Kone debarker and sawing machine Hewsaw R200 + NS 200 (by Veisto) will be moved to Africa. Prior to equipment transportation, Hekotek carried out its thorough technical inspection, some units having been updated.

The log sorting line is already on its way to Tanzania, transportation of saw-mill equipment is to be done step-by-step by the end of the year.

Hekotek team involved in the new saw-mill installation and commissioning will get new and quite interesting experience, since so far they have mostly instructed installation works in Russia. Now their subordinates will be African mechanics, welders and electro-automation specialists. We are optimistic and believe that despite our different cultural background, we will be able to successfully commission our lines and bring them to the production level required by their new owner.
